Aparna Singhal identifies as a South Asian, Hindu, first-generation settler, straight, cisgendered woman whose love in life is nurturing relationships. She treats strangers as friends, friends as family, and family as even more important than herself. For Aparna, love and laughter with people who embrace all that life has to offer is key to fulfillment and joy. Her passion for food, nature, photography, and travel have allowed Aparna to cultivate strong connections with people all over the world. Yet, the place she feels the greatest sense of happiness and peace is at home with her husband and family, sipping a warm cup of chai and enjoying board games, movies or quiet time to read, reflect and meditate.

Lindsay Core identifies as a queer, white, cisgendered woman, settler, educator, and parent who is a farm girl at heart. For her, a perfect day would be spent enjoying and noticing the beauty and wonder of the natural world through the eyes of her daughter. Before drawing to a close, the day would also include reading the Saturday newspaper, listening to an episode of the Casey Kasem Top 40: The 80s Edition, enjoying the companionship of her family over a meal, working on a quilting project, and opening to the middle of a good novel.

Riisa Walden identifies as a queer, white, cisgendered, settler Canadian writer, educator, and scholar. Less formally, she thinks of herself as a book-loving, bird-watching, world traveller and slow living enthusiast who is full of opinions and passion about politics, society, food, and everything else under the sun. She lives in a happy home filled with laughter and surrounded by tall trees with her wife and step-daughter.

Antoinette Morgan is multi-faceted and identifies as a Black, Caribbean Canadian, straight, cisgender, mother of two wonderful children, life-partner, social justice warrior, social worker, advocate, feminist, blogger, business owner, counsellor, loyal friend, and life-long learner.